

From The Most Devastated Lands

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Bitrate 251 kbit/s
Duration 5:58
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics From The Most Devastated Lands

From the most Devastated Lands
Lost Souls are the only to survive
Terror, Mayhem and Chaos
Are only the Landscapes to see...
From the most Devastated lands
Only Demons will come back...
Only Demons of Our Blood
Will still exist and reign as Masters...
From the most Devastated Lands
No humans, nor other living things
From the previous era survived
They killed themselves by thier fault, thier weakness
Those humans were only feeble worms...
Humanity died by itself
We, Demons, dont need to build a new era
We are the Evil era, the Evil Way
We are the Satans disiples...
Terror, Mayhem and Chaos
Are the only Landscapes we need to exist...
From the most Devastated Lands
The Demons We Are Will Never Die...
The Demons We Are are devoted to Satan
[ From The Most Devastated Lands Lyrics ]
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