Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13

Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13

She's A Man

Size 2.27 Mb
Bitrate 192 kbit/s
Duration 1:39
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

Watch clip She's A Man

Lyrics She's A Man

PMS with a cock in my dress and a 13 on my head
I dress to depress
I put the death in crossdress
I spin my head like Linda Blair
She's a man, She's a man
She's a man, She's a man
She's a man, She's a man
That girl's a man!
Like Frankenstein
I'm a fashionable guy
I got dead beat sex appeal
I'm a scared up mess
A walking corpse in a dress
Like Mötley Crüe I've got the looks that kill
She ain't a boy
She ain't a girl
She's a man!
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