Marc Almond

Marc Almond

Shining Brightly

Size 5.9 Mb
Bitrate 192 kbit/s
Duration 4:30
Added 20 February 2008 user AND1

Watch clip Shining Brightly

Lyrics Shining Brightly

This is my destiny
For one brief moment
And I'm not gonna let it die
I'm like the sun
I'm like the sun shining brightly
This is my destiny
For one brief moment
And I'm not gonna let it die
I'm like the sun
I'm like the sun shining brightly
For one brief moment
This is my time
My minute
And I'm not going to let it die
I've got to stay high
I'm like the sun
I'm like the sun shining brightly
Believe in the dream
'Cause this is my destiny
I'm not going back
I've come a long, long way
And I'm not going back

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